Bait Casting Reel vs. Spinning Reel - HookdOnBassin

$ 20.00

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When should I use a Bait Casting Reel? When Should I Use a Spinning Reel? Well, that answer depends on where you’re fishing, what you’re fishing with, the size of bass and also how experienced you are as an angler. This should not be a debate on which one is better. They have both have their strengths given the conditions. Let’s help you decide when you should use either one. Spinning Reel Pro’s Great for finesse fishing!!! If you are fishing finesse presentations like ned rigs, shaky heads or drop-shot rigs than a spinning reel is the way to go.

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Bait Casting Reel vs. Spinning Reel - HookdOnBassin

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Baitcaster Vs Spinning Reel #bassfishing

Spinning reel vs baitcaster reel